Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A few examples from some family shoots I have done.. :) Enjoy! There are also more examples posted throughout my blog.. ~~Blessings, Stacy

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Melissa, I hope you love these! I had a blast doing your shoot (even if it was a bit chilly!) I have more, this is just a peek.. :) I was sitting here thinking how very fortunate I am to get to see these little ones grow up and capture these precious moments for you all.. I am SO loving this!! I hope to see your family again in the years to come.. Take care and hold that little one close he is growing up toooooo fast! ~~blessings, Stacy

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Tracy this is the collage I did from your shoot.. I hope you like it! Take care..:)
~~Blessings Stacy

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Just a little reminder that in order to get pictures for Christmas presents you must have your order to me by December 12th... Thanks so much! It has been really wonderful working with you all this year!! I look forward to seeing you in the years to come.. May your Holidays be filled with Love, Laughter and Happiness! Hold those little ones close--they will be grown before you know it...

~~Blessings to you and yours,

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Steph, I hope you enjoy your peek at the proofs! I just LOVE the "L-O-V-E" collage... What a cutie he is!! And look at Allie---my goodness! I have a bunch more for you to see... Enjoy! ~~Stacy

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Erin, I had a blast working on these! This is just a peek as I am still proofing! :) I hope you LOVE these, proofs. I had fun working with you ~Blessings, Stacy

Thursday, November 15, 2007

This little girl was such a girlie, girl! She was so fun! A true Diva! And I was amazed at how cooperative her big brother was!! Had a great time with these 2.. This is just a peek, Mom...I have about 30 proofs...:) ENJOY! ~~blessings, Stacy

These boys are so much fun and they make me giggle even if Mom doesn't find it as funny as we do...:) I had fun working with them and look forward to taking their photos in the future! Enjoy, MOM!! ~~Stacy

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I have known this family for many,many years. They are dear friends of mine. It was such a pleasure to spend the day with them and get these special photos of their family. And the ones of our children together are photos I will cherish forever... I am so glad that those three are such close friends.. :) I hope you love these, April! There are more in the works! *Stacy