Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Proof orders and print orders running a few days behind...

Hello everyone... Proof and print orders are running a few days behind due to Senior Season being in full swing.. My photo distributor has added a few more days to their turnaround time.. Thanks for understanding I will call the second I have them in!! Thanks so much! :)

Hey, Mariah! :) I hope you LOVE these proofs!! I am so excited for you to see the rest! I will call when they are in..Thanks again! ~ Blessings, Stacy

Miss Mariah

Hey Mariah! :) I hope you LOVE these proofs! I had a blast working with you and cannot wait for you to see the rest.. I will call as soon as they are in! ~Blessings, Stacy

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A promo-card I designed for Sara to hand out ...:)

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Tonight I had a sitting with Tyler.. He was great and even smiled a little...:) AND knew about "MORE COW BELL...." haha!! I HAD to show a peek right away! (I know his Mom!) I have many more I am working on and a few more of Tyler and little sis, too.. :) ~Stacy

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Ashley...:) Hello..Here is your sneak peek! I have many more I am working on! I hope you LOVE them!! I will let you know when the proofs are in.. ~Blessings, Stacy

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sara...I tried to post more Proofs...have computer problems.. :( If I get it fixed tonight I will post a couple more.. I usually only post 4 proofs, BUT since you had 2 nights of shoots I have a TON! I hope you like what I have so far! You have been a joy to work with!! :) ~Blessings, Stacy

Miss Sara.....newest Senior shoot

Friday, August 8, 2008

This little one was so sweet! AND she knew exactly what she wanted and didn't want to do! hehe BUT we waited it out and she came around! I got a bunch of sweet photos, Grammie! I will call when the proofs come in! Thanks again, ~Stacy

Sweet little girl....

Recent Senior ...Senior Season is in full swing!!

Shawn was a good sport! He was up for anything and didn't protest too much.. :) Thanks so much!! Had fun with you and Dad! I have many more I am working on just wanted to give you all a peek. Enjoy!! ~Blessings, Stacy