Friday, November 28, 2008

My 2 crazy kiddos..:)

Momma was so busy taking Photos of all these other cute kiddos that she forgot to do her own! So we went out for a quick shoot on a frigid day.. These 2 were troopers and they worked it for Momma.. I LOVE these photos!! I am shocked by how much they have grown in the last year.. Right before my eyes it seems...
}}sigh{{ Slow down my Loveys...slow...down!

Sweet baby, Brooks :)

This little one was so sweet... never fussed, never cried.. Such a wonderful baby! I had so much fun with you both, Mom! I hope you enjoy your peek at your proofs! I will call as soon as they are in... :) Hope you had a fabulous, Turkey Day! :) ~Blessings, Stacy

Friday, November 14, 2008

Caouette Family....:)

Hey, there.. :) I hope you love this peek at your proofs... I guess I didn't do one of Spencer... geeez... There are some do not worry! I will call as soon as your proofs are in... I had a blast working with you all ( Emma, just amazes me everytime I photograph her! Honestly...WHEN are we going to do a portfolio for that child!!?? She belongs in the spotlight, for sure!! ~Blessings, Stacy

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Recent Family shoot...

These guys were a blast to work with! Hope you all love the peek at your proofs... Enjoy! I will call when they are in! :) ~Stacy

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Gauthier family shoot...

This family was so much fun! Had me laughing the whole time..:) Lucky, for us, Dad was able to get us out of the woods... My sense of direction is not good at all... LOL Thanks again, guys! Still working on the rest.. Will call when proofs are in! ~Stacy

Kane Family Shoot

What a cold day we had for this shoot!! Everyone was shivering.. :( BUT I got some nice shots of this family! Thanks guys, for being such good sports about the weather! I try to order perfect days but, no one hears me! :) I am still working on these.. as soon as they are in I will give you a call! ~Blessings, Stacy