Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Blessed be these days....

I am feeling a bit overwhelmed this Holiday Season...  last week my days were filled with trepidation, tears and questions..   I had a biopsy (took 3 weeks to get results) and it was diagnosed as Melanoma.   Of course, my lack of knowledge on this subject led me to search the internet for answers...  ANYONE who has any sort of illness or diagnosis should NOT search the internet for answers....EVER!!   Every single time they write Melanoma, it is followed by..."The deadliest of the skin cancers..."   Nice, huh??  Just what you want to hear when you have... NO ANSWERS!    Finally, an appointment was made with a dermatologist..YES!...I would have answers and not burst into random tears any longer when I look at my children...(sigh)   I slept sporadically the night prior to the appointment... and was a bag of nerves during the drive there...  I waited in the exam room...ever so attractive johnny as my attire....sat staring at the posters depicting my diagnosis...  Nice thoughts...happy thoughts.....butterflies....puppy THAT looks horrible!!!   ughhhh!      In walks the dermatologist.. Pleasant man, with a smile on his face...  Easing into the appointment a wee bit... Not so bad...   He looks at the biopsy area....scans ALOT of my freckles....and I mean ALOT...makes some notes....  makes small talk...  Thank goodness, because my aforementioned attire is not really very comfortable.... I must say my choice in undergarments makes me giggle to myself...  I wonder if the Doctor finds the "Call me" all over them as hilarious as I do!   I was not aware that todays exam would be so personal....hehehe   Oh well... humor is good...    He excuses himself.. (probably to giggle in the hallway.... :)    Again, left to look at the posters....  (sigh)       He returns....  It seems the Melanoma is only localized to the biopsy area.....  OH HAPPY DAY!!!   I just about jumped up and danced on the table...Amazing, happy, joyous news!!!   I will need another biopsy to remove more of the area...  but.. I can certainly deal with that...  visits to check every six months... to be sure...  I can deal with that...   I will have a mammogram to be sure there are no issues in that area...  I can deal with that.....    I am so overwhelmed with happiness this Christmas...  the season started with sadness... extreme sadness..  Anytime you hear the "C " word... WOW!!  Stops you right in your tracks and puts a whole new perspective on all of it..        We really need to take each day for the gift it really is...  We are so very lucky to have THIS day...   This Holiday... I will not hold back... All of my loved ones will know just how much love I hold for them...    I will sit with tears of joy as I watch my husband and children opening their presents...  I will hold each of them a little bit longer and thank my lucky stars to be having that little bit longer to hold them..  this truly is a blessed Holiday Season....  blessed beyond words..    Thank you, to all of you who have supported me during this very difficult time... You all have a very special place in my heart...  I carry you with me wherever I go...     May you hear the love this Christmas and always...   Blessings from our family to yours...