Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I had the joy of photographing this sweet boy this week.. My goodness he was so full of life and happy, happy, happy.. He liked to make funny faces and make us laugh..:) What a sweet little boy he is! (Melissa if you see these---this is just a sample of what I got during his shoot.. You will be getting approx. 30 proofs..---I cannot wait for you to see them! Stacy)

Monday, July 9, 2007

My sweet little girl is turning 7...I wanted to do a special shoot with her.. Photos that truley show her personality.. She has such a big heart.. She ran to the top of the hill and said "It looks like Heaven up here, Momma" and then she said .."hello Great Great Grammie.. are you up there..Can you hear me.. can you see me..?" Made my heart ache.. She also snuck out of the house that day with 6 mylar balloons and sent them to Heaven to be with her Great great Grandparents... She has such a loving soul... I love you my sweet, stubborn, seven year old....Forever and ever..Momma