Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I had the joy of photographing this sweet boy this week.. My goodness he was so full of life and happy, happy, happy.. He liked to make funny faces and make us laugh..:) What a sweet little boy he is! (Melissa if you see these---this is just a sample of what I got during his shoot.. You will be getting approx. 30 proofs..---I cannot wait for you to see them! Stacy)

1 comment:


Stacy, YOU make an AMAZING photographer! You really take the extra time and EFFORT to make sure every picture comes out PERFECT. It takes a special person to do infant pictures, It really does. The MOMENTS you captured in Lucas's pictures were GREAT they were just totally him. They came out better then I could have ever expected them to. I will definitly be coming to you the rest of his growing years.(That is until he allows me to He is a BOY. LOL:) Again, THANK YOU!!! I reccommend everyone that I know to you. I'll see you in the FALL.