Saturday, March 15, 2008

I "paid" him with Jellybeans...:)

He was not excited when I asked him to sit for me... SO, I mentioned jellybeans and he was all set! I look at these photos and get all choked up.. After, last week, and almost losing him..(he swallowed a quarter....choked..vomitted....stopped breathing and passed out in my arms...terrifying Mommy moment) Anyway...last week put it all into perspective for me and the saying that I put on this first shot is exactly how I want to live my life from this day forward.. I am sooo in love with this child and cannot imagine being without him.. I am so thankful God was watching.. :) I got the first shot in a 16x20, just to remind me of my new motto... :) ~Blessings, Stacy

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