Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sweet Angelina and her Momma, too..

I have known Angelina's Momma, for about as long as I can remember... She lived about a block from me and was usually found at my house on any given day.. :) It was a joy to meet her sweet little one! I hope you LOVE these photos.. I have more in the works.. I KNOW the importance of BEING in the photo with your child and plan to be better at that myself... ~Blessings, Stacy


Unknown said...

That is two awfuly beautiful women. Those pics are great Stacy...You do a really great job of capturing the moment. Thanks for sharing....Rich

Unknown said...
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Jennifer said...

Hi Stacey,
these 4 pics are great. I would like to see the rest but I don't know how. Can you help me?