I was just sitting here reminiscing.... letting precious memories from the last ten years come flooding back.. Listening to my daughters sweet, lovey, chubby little toddler voice float from the speakers to my ears... Talking with Momma... saying she loves me in her voice from long ago... "I you, Mumma.. I you.." Oh.. how those moments flew by.. If I could just have that chubby little self to cuddle one last time...I would never let her go..... As it seems, I am letting her go more with each passing day.. She is on the edge of turning double digits.. She's no longer my "little girl"... (or so she tries to tell me on a daily basis...) I cherish the last 10 years.. tried in fact to keep them all.. with the help of my camera.. I think I have "most" of them... :) In albums, boxes, on discs, in cupboards, in closets...in the attic... in jars... wherever I could find a spot to hold them.. It was so very important to me.... {sigh} Ten years have passed and each day I fall more in love with that sweet face.. (yes, even on the temper tantrum, door-slammed off the hinges days..) I get caught staring at her... she catches me... tells me to stop.. but, I keep right on staring... Most nights I can be found in my childrens rooms.. Staring at their sweet, slumbering faces... kissing their little lips.. Wondering where dreamtime has taken them...wishing I was with them...Always...
So.. as I sit and listen ..over and over ... to my child's sweet voice, from years gone by.. I am so very thankful... thankful for the last ten years and the memories I have hidden away.... to pull out when I feel I need to travel back in time.. Hear the little baby voices...see chubby legs.. dirty faces... Today was one of those days... I so needed to travel back to feel those arms around my neck.. sweet baby breath on my face... and those precious words in my ears....
"I you, mumma...I you..."
I you, sweet girl... forever and always... to the moon and beyond.. I carry your heart with me, I carry it in my heart.......
all my love,
1 comment:
Thanks for the share Stacy...we are so blessed to have been able to spend the time we have with them.
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