Friday, July 11, 2008

A new member of our family..My cousin's little one..

This is my cousin's newest addition! AND I am in Love! Oh....I thought I had those baby wants under control---until I saw this little face.. THANKS, MEL! :) Seriously, I had a blast doing this session and I could not stop clicking away... }}}SIGH{{{ I am in LOVE with #1... So sweet! AND #2 where it seems Andrew wanted to show his opinion of the whole thing by saying "this much..." with his two little fingers.. LOL Maybe he was saying "I love these 2...this much.." I am not sure.. BUT it is such a funny shot! I have many more in the works! Will send out your proofs when I get them finished!! LOVE YA! And congrats ... ( I am seriously jealous...SERIOUSLY!!) ~Blessings, Stacy

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